Saturday 19 August 2017

Existentialism : 'Waiting for Godot'

                                   Existentialism : 'Waiting for Godot'

Here are my Flip Learning task given by Dr.Dilip Barad. Click here for the blog link of given task.


Video 1: What is Existentialism?

         The first person who referred to himself as an existentialism and founded the whole movement was John Paul Sartre an extension is in fact highly associated with him he not considered.

             First Existentialism it's common to believe existentialist start with Kierkegaard despite the fact that we can apply the term existentialism to many a great thinker and writer such as ..........
Kierkegaard Nietzsche, Dashefsky, Kafka Heidegger, Should stop, Hermann, Hesse sword etc......

              Important parts which village constitute existialism passion are freedom so instead of looking at existentialism with the emphasis on the individual at it's core and other subjects covering and coating the core I suggest that you think of it as a triangle with individuality, freedom, and passions as its three sides that might be one reason why believing or not believing in God would ingredients ones holding a title as an existentialist.

              Existentialism is mainly popular among young people mostly because it touches on subjects which a person in his or her youth might be strugging with let's face it whose attention will be attracted to a subject like suicide, anguish, thanks, absurdity, passion, emotions, their, freedom, or even despair etc........

Video 2: The Myth of Sisyphus: The Absurd reasoning (feeling of the Absurd).

                                          In this video we'II be talking about an absurd reasoning Camus starts this essay by bringing our attention to an intriguing and some what unention start he writes there is but one truly serious probiem and that is suicide.....

                                           Example: Movie ' Stay' where you run across sentences like these how did he kill himself he shot himself on the Brooklyn bridge he said it was the best art work of the 19 the century.

Video 3: The Myth of Sisyphus: the notion of philosophical suicide.


                                         philosophical suicide was what made me fall in love with Camus when I was 16 becausr it's one thing to recognize the absurd and it's quite another to embrace it and accept these, consequences most people don't even hesitate to reflect upon life to see it's absurdity.

                                        Philosophy called suicide there can be no absurd outside the human mind thus like every thing else the absurd ends with death that's why you could either negate yourself to get away from the absurd and commit physical suicide or you could also dent the absurd and live I'm perpetual denial and commit Philadelphia suicide in which case you would kill yourself as a philosopher to avoid the absurd once you've recognized.

                                           A total absence of hope : Despair
                                           A continual rejection : Renunciation
                                          A conscious dissatisfaction : Immature unrest

                                    Two forms of suicide and these " I am taking the liberty at this point of calling the exlstential attitude philosophical suicide "

                                  Philosophical suicide " like suicide, Gods change with men. There are many ways of leaping, the essential, being to leap"

Video 4: Dadaism, Nihilism and Existentialism.

                                                   1816 data movement grows up against worid war one for most people Dadaism is associated with Nihilism.

                                                     Existentialism emerged after worid war 2 as a movement another series of doctrines as an answer to the absurdity of life this is comparable to the Dada movement a few artists such as Hugo ball, yonko, jean, arp, Cesaro and many others were disgusted by the war moved to Zurich and founded the movement.

                                                 Dadaism the reason wasn't about our time being all artistic it's merely an art movementis not really art pain free of any rules is what made it vulnerable to become accused of Nihilism but it was devoid of rules for good reasons it'svery nature was questioning and objecting the already existing values in order to overcome them you could even say that item was the Socrates of the war years it is ad if though Nietzsche odd reason these words to describe the movement.

                                                     " Whom do they hate most?
 Him who breaks up their tables of values, the breaker, the lawbreaker. He , however, it the creator."

                                        " How can one get rid of every thing that smacks of journalism, worms, everything nice and right, blinkered, moralistic, Europeanised, enervated ?"
                                                                                                            by Saying dada

                                            Nihilism have nothing to do with each other both are fed up with everyday life and it's arbitrary values and that's where the similarity stops the reason wasn't an extension or a Nihilistic movement it was only a response to world war one just as the extensionism was a response to war two dresses an absurdist would recognize the absurdity of life and embrace if bizarro writes the absurd " The absurd doesn't frighten me, because from a more elevated point of view, I consider everything in life to be absurd"

Video 5: Existentialism - a gloomy philosophy. 


                                           Exustentialusm is often accused of being a gloomy Philosophy while there is the truth ti this claim we must look at the whole picture.

                                            Why existentialism thought of as a gloomy philosophy because notions such as anxicty, despair and absurdity.

                                     Existentialism is a narcissistic philosophy being an Nietzsche puts it become.e who you are I've also heard of people saying how exist on shells that will inevitably lead to Nihilism right just as a beer or a 
                                                           Cigarette.............   Heroin

                                       So does exist Angelle them to Nihilism not that I have anything to say against Nihilism but nothing ean be further from the truth,

                                       Existentialism was a response to this emptiness after worid war II people's lives seemed to have became meaningless and filled with despair it was in such an atmosphere the exists an shells them came to people's rescue and offered a cure.

Video 6 : Existentialism and Nihilism : It is one and the same?

                                           In the sixth video, Existentialism is opposed to Nihilism because Nietzsche believes that Nihilism comes after existentialist thinking. As per my understanding Nihilism ‘s shows us that everything is meaningless in the world and we are tempted by an objective scheme of things. And on the other hand existentialist thinker believes that there is no single meaning but we create our personal meaning for life. So in that point Nietzsche disagree with Nihilism because it ties our thinking ability and existentialism gives us more to look insight and judge it critically.

Video 7: Let us introduce Existentialism again

                                                 Existentialism greatest works of philosophy and literature western civilization has ever seen however putting one's finger on what existentialism is proves quite difficult the goal of this lecture is to help  people better understand existentialism more specifically we wibriefly go over the history of existentialism.

                                              Existentialism become especially prominent in the mid 20- the century.....
Franz Kafka, Martin Heidegger, Albert Camus, Jean Paul Sartre, Maurice Merleau Ponty...........

Video 8 : Explain like i am five: Existentialism and Nietzsche

                                        Existentialism can be summed of these points:

                   1) We live in a chaotic and meaningless universe.
                   2) We made meaning and structures in our lives.
                   3) So we create this meaning and structure ourselves.

Video 9 : Why I like existentialism? Eric Dodson.


                                           Existentialism & Friedrich Nietzsche:-We can make our own rules.making of rules is basically highlighted here.Ubermenschen Superhero of Nietzsche serves our wills & desires.individual is remains in the center.
After watching all videos i would like to give my preference to two videos out of them.
Very first video gives brief but yet helpful ideas of it has no value except our has no meaning until it can't lived. Feedbacks of lived once signifies here.
Choice-Freedim-Respinsibilty: Individual
    Existentialism comes as optimistic.
video 10 : Let us sum up: from Essentialism to Existentialism. 

                                     Philosophy is about the dialectic: someone puts forth an idea and then someone else responds to it. Sometimes, the response comes an right away, in other cases, it takes thousands of years. In ancient Greece, Plato and Aristotle took is as given that everything has an essence - a certain set of core properties that are necessary, or essential - a certain set for a thing to be what it is. The things which gives defining function , is the essential property. Plato and Aristotle thought that everything has an essence - including us. "Essence precedes our Existence".   

Answer 1)

. My favorite video is Video no 
  2) Because this video all about our absurdity. when we feel absurd and hopeless our life so we kill ourself.

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