Friday 21 July 2017

"The Hairy Ape" is a dark comedy

             √. Introduction

             The play is not a comedy but a dark comedy. There is a purpose behind the comedy. It is a comedy on the Scarface but beneath is tragedy. It's not clearly a comedy in the traditional manner a dark comedy has the elements of tragedy. Characters are comic situations, action reaction are comic but they suggest sadness lying below to them
            √. Sub Title

              The play has sub title "A comedy of ancient and modern tide in eight scene." This is ambiguous. The play wrights ta tells it a comedy but his suggestion is something actually to comedy but their experience will say it is not end was never comic so how this play can be a comedy.

           √. Behaviour of Stokers

               There are various ethnic groups. Their languages are different. But their work place is common. They are crowded. They are rough people and don't have decency so they are shouting. Cursing laughing, singing, often they are confused and bewildered. They becomes furious. They are all drunk. Their clothes and shoes are ugly. Their bodies are half naked. They look as if monkeys are put into a cage. Their questioning swearing and abusing provide us laughter.

             √. The Crowds

            The play is having Crowds all most all the time as people loose their sense in a crowd the characters of the play also are some and look comic. They don't care for anybody. They firm irresponsible. The opening scene is an example. They make uproar we hear only voices. Who effect is comic in the company they push and again at the stokehold speeches of yank, long and paddy become comic. The 4th scene has again a crowd like the first scene and has vein of comedy.

               There is another crowd in centered to the stokers. It is found on the fifth avenue. There are sophisticated people. They have put on masks so who they are remain unknown. Their lack regarding the priest, the sermon and collecting the money bring satirical note and I'll intently we have smiles. A woman watching a monkey for shouts and jumps that is comic even yank and long are comic amongst the crowd.

               The 7th scene has again crowd of different people. There are common workers and visitors. The secretary's behavior and Yank's behaviour, their talk lead us to have gentle smile.

             √. Last Scene Comic

               Last scene the 8th one is funny. We are shifted to a zoo. There is a cage in which a gorilla is found. The monkey's behaviour is comic but yank provides more comedy. His behaviour is similar to the Ape he acts like a monkey. Similarly the Ape also responds accordingly. This type of action and redaction continua for a  while we have more fun when yank goes near to the Ape and shakes hands with it.

            √. The Pause : Robin's "The Tinker"

             Yank often takes the pause of Robin's "The Tinker" . It provides own. In the last scene it brings similarity to the Ape Yank looks like a monkey and into that addition this gesture differentiates him on the other side comedy. While he is sitting in this position others are busy in doing works or they make Jokes at him. Yank isn't a man of thinking while this pause makes us to thing about him.

         √. Paddy's Speeches

              Paddy's romantic speeches should be marked here very first speeches comic. He says........
                                      "I'M never too drink to sing"
But axially he is too drink and later on stars singing. His voice is nasal, thin and fine doleful yank rebukes him saying " Old harp" he often speaks much. In the same first scene his dialogue is very long. He suddenly shouts often he laugh gaudy in a manner of " ho.....ho.......ho.......ho........"
His a regiments with yank also provides gun his songs are also related to Waly and carelessness.  

                √. Long's Speech

               Long has different views. His are leftist views. He prefers non violence rather than violence. When others are abusing to the rich he says they should change misery. This is fun for others.
             Thus the play has comic elements and they entertain us.
Q:2 Character Sketch of Yank
              √. A Central character

               A central character the story of the play is related to yank. He is the ape in the play on the first scene to the last he remains at the center. We find his tragic story. He is common worker but he raises himself up on caught. He raises himself up on caught. He forms but he has tried to come out from the bottom of the life. So he stands higher than his makes threw him he writer sons to tell his view.

             √. Yank's Look

              A stronger man yank appearance is heavy. He scene border. His look fearful his strength and his height give supetify like other. He has help naked his cheaser is hairy. He looks live an ape. That's why ape is the hairy apehisvoices also strong others are fearful they have to respect him.

            √. Family Back Ground

                He comes from a poor family. They where not religious Yank's parents never went to church, but they pushed yank to the church. His father did not go to the sea he worked along sure has further had fallen into a bad habit of drinking. It firmenfed him and died. His mother also them he run away from the home.

            √. Hard Work

               In the beginning yank did odd jobs. Then he came on translantie line. His stoker his position is in stokehold. It is faitic job one reachers strong physical power ovarmous heavy fire. It most burns him and other. The work there scean is filled tened. There is little air smoke and fames as well as living flames make the place tallish. Those, who work in stokchole have to suffered alone.

                √. A Tragic Harp

                Yank is tragic hero he looks comic, but it is mask within the heart there is fire he considers himself as the still but they reality is biting even he is not a Conan animal a monkey he tries to establish with the hairy ape. But the beast has it's play's in the zoo has he Identity but his plays is not with the monkey in search of Identity. He passes threw terrible experience he is insulted jailed an altimantly freed to meet the death even those is command man we pity him because we all common man tried ti come out on the condition of the life.

1 comment:

  1. The Hairy Ape is a 1922 expressionist play by American playwright Eugene O'Neill. The hairy Ape is main story Upper class , Middle class.Main Character of Yank.......


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