Wednesday 5 July 2017

To His Coy Mistress (poem )

To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell 

          .                               To his coy mestress is written by Andrew Marvell. Who was the son of a clergy man he was a metafigieal poet his most of the poem focases more or love and god. This poem to his coy mistress is also about love and shines of the beloved.

              The poet stats with the coyness of beloved same that it both the loves had inough time have beloved coyness was no crime but hense beloved is so shine that her shines has become a crime because they have very less time left and it they had inough time could think loves how to pass that " long loves" day.

              In the next few lines the poet refers about " Indian Gangs" and " Humber" which is it Engliand through this the poet won't to say that way nerves both the loves meet somewhere their was always are distances because of beloveds coy ness and a sefusal to give her self to the Jews her refusal to sarender hursal.

             Poet starts the next lines by comparing his love to vegetables hi love is like a vegetable which grass they by day " castes than empire" than the poet starts training each part of beloves body she was so beautiful and a toeable that she loves would happily pass hundrand years to praise beloves bed eyes and also gazing on the for head of the beloved he would spend two hundrand years to praise his beloveds each treats still he requires rest of the past of her body and when derth was about to come the beloved mind leave her coyes and show her love.

               Beloved is indeed shine but what ever the loves said regarding the years  to prase is out pure love more then that beloved deserves this type of love and poet say that he would not love her loves than this his love should always be casted than empire that for the poet says, 

                                           "For lady you deserve this state
                                             Nor would I love, at loves rate"

              Next lines reter's to the short time which is passing poet here sound of " time's wing ehariot which is horroring near which means the time is passing very fast.

             In the next lines the poet explains what would happen. If the beloved dies without having fizical relation with the lover.

            If the beloved shall countinous her coyness like this than one day when the death will arrive her beautiful will be no more as will as the echoing song also want be their once she is dead. The beloved is very coy and there for she is not allowing the lover come close to her in the for the poet says once she is dead the worms will eat het' long preserved virginity' and there for before in happens she should help fizical relation with the lover because after the death. If they won't have fizical relation the last of the loves will turn into ashes there was beloved should being very shine.

                  Then the poet compares " youth" with " morning" due the way morning due drips on the skin and goes out of that within few time in the same way youth also stages for a while only and there for before the lovers get orey by the time or by the socucty lover wants his beloved to surrender herself and enjoy to gatherness.

                 In the last lines the poet uses to tines in the of the poem that are.....

                                   " Thus, though we cannot make out sun
                                    Stand still yet we will make him run"

here the poet says it is not in our hand to stop the son but it he can't stop it we have to change with the time which means before the time grape then in to it'd clutches she should stop bin shine and with all her wellingness she should enjoy the pleasure of being together further the poet says it takes a lot to pass the jurnry of life as it is difficult but with the time they have they should collect all their stand has sweetness they should strif hard to be togathes.

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