Wednesday 5 July 2017

When We Two Parted ( poem )

When We Two Parted  by Lord Byron                                                           

                          When we two pasted is a poem written by wowd Lord Byron who is successful politician and well known poet he born an England. He become very successful no only in this political care as but also in his literary carrear. He deed at the age of 36. Though he died in early age of his life he made most of it.

                  Word Biron's has aritten the poem when atitten we two parted. A dreing two lovers blow he narrative the sorrow and feeling of pasting in this poem. In the first few lines the poet expresses the situation how they parted and that poet says,

                   " When we two parted
    In silance and tears"


                 The poet expresses that when his beloves was about two live loves none of them could utter a single word and the situation became invariable as fearwell party each other that not only for days one or two but " for years"

                  After then the poet blem the hour when the loves and the beloved were togathes as that happy over itself for tolded the sapration that both the loves has two face in the future.


              When the poet talks about " dew of the morning " which he felt like a warning bell as the poet thinks that what eves the loves is feeling now sorrowful situation the morning dew alsrady had colded for happy this feeling had well depicted in the poem.

               " If felt like the warning
     Of what I feel now"


                      Further in the poem but on talks about vows that ase broken which indicates that believe of beloves is no more with him and that she has broken all her promises which he give once and now she is not there in his life two keep her promises then the poet talks about blows fame which is now not that much and has become light the poet can he are name of the spoken by relatives and friends that when he was having relationship they must had fizical relationship which has now become there she there love is no more and there four the time that they spend make them feel shame too.


                    When people around the loves take name of desbelove it fees light knell two his ear the poet further regards whythe this beloved was so dear to him he tells to people that.... 

            " They know not I knew thee
                Who knew thee too well"


               Which means the poet not only love her birth he could understand every emission felt by this beloves and now when she not with him he regrets why he love her so much and it is become in unparable situation of dapration for him.


                 In the last few lines of the poem the poet expresses the grielle on their meeting and he calls the spirit of this beloved deceive as her heart can forget whatever quality time they slant it each other secretly and after long years.  When the poet would be meeting his beloved how should he would grieve her when both or them parted they only had silence to express and tears to share and after to long time when they would meet their mean to express feeling would be again " silance and tears" which I'd beautifully writing the last time of the poem.

                       "After long years
                  How should I greed thee?
                    With silence and tears."

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