Tuesday 4 July 2017

The Blessed Damozel ( poem )

The Blessed Damozel by "Dante Gabriel Rossett"                                                  

                     " The Blessed Damozel" is a poem of 144 lines written by "Dante Gabriel Rossett". It is a love poem Damozel means " unmarried young woman". The poem expresses inmance love of the cmozel for her lover. The poem suggests even after death love survives.

                 In the poem blessed damozal, Damozel is no more and her lover is still a live the poem is about " unfaing love'. In the very first stanza of the poem first two lines suggests that the damozel is dead and she know in Heaven.

                     " The blessed damoza lern'd out
                 From the gold bar of heaven"

                This two line suggest Damozel is leaning out. As if she is looking for something from the golden bar of heaven.

              When the writer portrays age of the demozel we see demozel standing out golden bar of heaven with"three lilies" in her hand her eyes were " deeper than death" and there were stars in her hair.

               With the first two line reader scan assume that demozel is looking something. Then in the next stanza the poetvsays that demozel's bait where "yellow like ripecorn" and her robe white as a white rose.

             Then in the next stanza we see how the loves is feeling about his beloved. The images that.......

                    " surely she Lean's ever me her
                      hair fell all about me face.......

In these lines we the reader can assume that the lover also still loves his beloved and its being almost ten year the lover has not forget his beloved and  he is still true and loyall for his beloved and there for even after ten years of his beloved death. He Is not able to forget his beloved.

                Then the poet expresses how the demozel is feeling when " knewly mate lovers" gather around her when demozel sees this lovers hagain each other she feels diprest and again starts messing her lover even more this knewly men sols"went by her like thin flames"

              When she sees this she wntrots over her I motion. Because she knew that she still has to remain away from lover.

              Then in another stanza the demozel again expressed her hope that one day both the lovers will reunite

               " I wish that he were come to me                                   From he will come"

              These lines suggest that bright hope is still that in the damozel heart. She still wishes that her lover one day will surely come to her for the demozed. She is impeciently waiting for her lover in the heaven.

             Then the demozel ask god."have I not pra'd in heaven"
            She ask that she has hinough prayed to God for her lover and doubts that wasn't that prayer was inough here in heaven damozel was praying for their reunion. After such a long period and again questions God.....

             "Are not two prayer a perfect strength"

this line suggest that damoel thinks that in both the prayers their are inough strength that can be the esuse of their reunion. But yet, they are srpretef and thetfor damozel is afraid and instants regarding their reunion.

               Then the Demozel imagine her lover coming their in heaven. Then their is a description of what would Damozel and her lover would do , if they both reunite in heaven. She says that if her lover would arrive their in heaven. He would be in white cloth.

             " I will take hand and go with him"

She would go with him into "stream and bath in god's like". And they would" see their old prayers granted" and this prayers would be melt like " little could"

                  Then Damozel says, that when her lover would arrive. Their the same song which see use to sing in heaven for her lover. When he was on the earth by singing a sing and timing around. They both will " find some knowledge and some new thing to know" she would also tell her lover about their love and "I lay my check to his "

                All this the Demozel has imagent then after a few time. She stops imaging further and expresses her disappointment by saying that, 

                   "All this is when he comes"

All this would become reality only when her lover would arrive.

               The last stanza is not of Demozel but of her lover who sorrow. As if he could see her standing at golden bad. He says, that their are some still berians between their love, but they soon will over come he sees this beloved hiding her face into her hands, and started weeping lastly the lover says, 

                        " I hoard her tears" 

With suggests that though the loves is on the easth. He would feel the pain and disappointment of the Damozel.

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