Wednesday 14 February 2018

A Baby Running Barefoot by D.H.Lawrence

A Baby Running Barefoot by D.H.Lawrence


Introduction of poet.....

      David Herbert Lawrence was born in 11 September 1885, died in 2 March, 1930.D.H.Lawrence was a play writes, essayist, literary critic and painter. He wrote works such as.......many of his collection describe his as photographer. He was a visionary thinker and he intro sense represents mademoiselle in English literature.

A Baby Running Barefoot.....

                        In the first line the poet talks about " The bare feet " of baby. Who runs across the gauss he then tells about her little white feet, not like the flower nod in the winds. His beautiful has a baby child runs across the grass out of innocence to watch baby running. Accross meadow field is the most beautiful sight D.H.Lawrence brilliantly and beautiful has created the beauty of little buby's play in his poem.

                     When baby runs feted it is the slight which southern your eye. He compares baby's " white play" with the song of "rhino" rhino's song attester its retains in the same way the slight of baby running bare footed attracts. All the waters you can not take of your eyes. When a child is playing in meadow fill.

                     The poet has compared two feet with few white feet with like two white butterfly settered in " The cup  of one flower " . Baby bare feet set in the " cup of flowed." The poet has compare " cup of flower' with the grass and " two white butter flies'. Also does not stop at  one places like white butterflies . it runs away from one play to another like white butterfly flyer's the way with a tufter of wins.

                    The poet wan't baby to wonder uround him like wind shadow wonder over the water. He want to enjoy the innocence of little baby. It also happen sometimes that some of us do not enjoy child wood like others and when. We see such little baby planing around. We see arinnoence in them, more then the baby we enjoy there play as it only Sutherlan our eyes but it also suttenes our soul. Then the poet wan't the baby to stand on his knee then the poet compares her little bare feet with " syringe birds " and " pink peony flower' babies feet is cool like syrindal baby and film and silken like pink young peony flowers.

                   Thus in the poem the poet describes not only beauty of the baby but her child like innocence.


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