Thursday 22 February 2018

From Work To Text by Roland Barthes

From Work To Text by Roland Barthes

From work to text is based on the following seven theory.

1...The Method
2...The Genre
3...The Signs
4...The Plurality
5...The Filiation
6...The Reading
7...The Pleasure

%... The Method

Text is not defied object although material serration is not possible of work and text, work is concrete while text is a mythological field.

Work can be seen in back-stores in catalogue, on coarse list etc......While a text revels itself articulates itself.

Work is physical were as text is in language and discourse.Text can be experienced only in an activity or in a production text is fluid, dynamic in nature, not statement as a work and a text can cut across several works.

%...The Genour

A text does not stop it can not be devided on the basis of heigherky and genres.Text goes to the limit of Annunciation.

%... The Sign

Text is an approach it is experience in relation to the sign by birth and how it closed itself on the signified.Signified is a sec-rel and is altimeter as one has to search lor it.Work is a general style text on the contrary practices the infinite difference of the signified.Text is direct to it’s field of signified and there is an idea of free play which is concept given to us by Derrida.

Any text that is governed by logic is not comprising as text has a librarian symbolic energy and is radically in terms of understanding.A work whose integrally symbolic nature one connives, persuasive, and receive is a text. Text is rest reacted to the language, language is the structure but it is a center without an end language can be as considered a system which is infinite.

%... The Plurality

It is not about several meanings but it is about the plurality of the same meaning which is irrepressible. Text can not be interpreted it has to the explored. Text demands on the plurality of the signifies that weave it. Subject of the text is ideally free and loitering for an eplphanic experience it is always searching for readings which are both multiple and irreducible.

In any text codes are know but their combination is unknown. Text is a inter sometimes anonymous patetions guide it sources and influences are multiple and sometimes unknown. Difference between text and work lies in its profile modification is an uctivity of reading.

%...The Filiation

Text is good without the auther and on the other hand work has three things.

  1. Determination of the outside work
  2. A location of the work to its auther
  3. The history of the works written by the author

Text always grows and expands it is network at combination . Text does not have the gerenty at who has written it and neither does it require an authet is merely a cataleptic. You always read a text get across life.

%...The Reading

There is no structured difference between cesual and structural reading . The text difference from the work because of it is consinnsionon the latter on it became an activity. Text link liseld into the xonsept at reader and written as one. Reading a text is playing within what is given to you.

%... The Pleasure

One can read a text but can not rearite a text.

  1. Text is a feeling
  2. You can not create same thing again

Text is linked enjoyment work is associated to near reading. Text services in social atopicl.An language serculet freely in a text. The theory of text is nothing else but discovery, pleasure in text transen social relation and language relation.

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