Tuesday 20 February 2018

To The Indians who died in south Africa By T.S.Eliot

To The Indians who died in Africa 
                                                  "By T.S.Eliot"

Introduction of poet.....

 T.S.Eliot was a modern poet. He was a dramatist a critics and an essayist. He is the pioneer of the modern poetry. His poem " Waste land" give him world wide reputation, man's loneliness, disappointment, problems of urbanization are recurrent themes of his poem. Eliot gave us new poetic style which con taints sharp images, myths, literary references and fragmented pieces.

The poet was also influenced by the world war . He wrote some occasional poems. This poem is one of them.

To The Indians who died in Africa....

  Indian Philosophy attracted the poem Indian myths, tradition and religion influence him. The poem also shows these aspects only bely book. " The Bhagvat gita " reflects a particular philosophy. There is the ideas of detachments. It means a person should not have feeling of any possession. Whether it may be things, people or place. This is one theme of the poem. 

The hold book also says us about our action. A person should do his action. He should not think about the fruit. So, there is unother theme of the poem.

The poet gives a tribute to the Indian soldiers who died in south Africa . The Indian soldiers were part of the British army. During the second world war they had been sent to various places. They also went to south Africa mange studiers died their white fighting. 

A soldier would be his own village. His destine is limited to that place his happiness is found their, wife, family and grand children make him content. At the sunset it is great joy to watch his and neighbor grand Children . But the same soldier was placed on the other country. He remembered every thing in the conversation with the other soldiers. It is a forging land it is a destination but not he has desting. Other soldiers also come from other country. They all are knew to the place " every country is home to one man and exile to another." Being soldiers they have a bond that make them happy there. 

For a soldier he has to do his duty. Where he died bravely, it is his destiny, that soil, it is his destine, country. The family society and his village people should remember these. The sell makes equal to all of them. Whether it is a village in the midlands or in the five rivers.

The last part of the poem expresses the port's philosophy. The Indian soldiers have died. They died for a common purpose. They did their action, some times we do not know the fruit of our action. Some limes we do not know. It means one has to do the duty without thinking of fruit. There is known as detachment. This philosophy is express in the Bhagavat Gita.

The dissertation of the poem is rich because of Imaginary and figures of speech . The poet is playing with the word like ' destination" and ' denting". He uses word like " foreign places", "exile", "own village", " your land " etc.... There is reference of the English soil-mid lands. The state of pan-jab is refereed as a five rivers.

The argument of the poem is straight and epigrammatic , prepositional phrases complete the imagery, for the dissertation the narrator has used them, for the examples.... " in the his own village" , " In front of his own door", " in the dust, " In foreign places". These phrases are part of simple sen-tenses or clauses, for examples... " who fought in foreign plane", "where a man died bravely", " until the judgment". Thar are some sentences . They have " to be " verb pet-urn for examples....." every country is home" , " this was not your land", " a men's destination is not his destiny". The same sentences is repeated with minor change but negative meaning of the other brings contrast. The muon " man" indicates a soldiers. It recurse through out the poem, for land various places have been mention a they indicate common muon sometimes they stand as metaphoric or sometimes they are proper noun for example........Village, Dust, Places, Destination , Conn-try, Home, Solid, Midlands, Five Givers, etc........

The poet's imperialistic view is marked being a Britisher. He thinks of his country attitudes, for Indian soldiers for his philosophy of detachment but for the English soldiers does he have the some one.    

The poem can also be marked for rhyme and rhythm. They intensity fine the mood of the poem.

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