Saturday 3 February 2018

Worksheet: Aristotle's Poetics

            Worksheet: Aristotle's Poetics 


 Here is my Response to the given my blog task Click here 




%......With reference to the literary texts you have studied during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts which followed Aristotelian literary tradition (i.e. his concept of tragedy, catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc)


               A Tragic hero must be one who is an essentially good man and makes some error in judgement that causes his downfall Othello is shown to be the honourable and noble moor who has overcome great adversity and yet be the climax of the play he has sunk into a murderous fit and strangles Desdemond


%.....With reference to the literary texts you have studies during B.A. programme, write brief note on the texts which did NOT follow Aristotelian literary tradition. (i.e. his concept of tragedy, catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc.)


                  'othello' the protagonist of the tragedy is a tragic figure because he is  man of great  character and some virtues but brings about us his own doom du to a tragic flaw .he is great as a military leader, as a man of stern morality and he even has the gentleness of bchavior and the powers of speech and angerstanding.


%.....   Have you studied any tragedies during B.A. programme? Who was/were the tragic protagonist/s in those tragedies? What was their ‘hamartia’?


                         Transcript of Hamlet`s Hamartia pretends to turn mad, puts on a fake play etc... Hamlet`s tragic flaw seems to be procrastination in the play as he is ineapable to act to avenge his father`s death.   


%..... Did the ‘Plot’ of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle? (Like chain of cause and effect, principle of probability and necessity, harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete, certain magnitude, unity of action etc)

                    ''When cassio identifies Roderigo as one of his attackers,lago secretly stabs Roderigo to stop him revealing the plot .Lago then accuses Bianca of the failed conspiracy to kill cassio.Othello confronts Desdemona, and then strangles her to death in their bad. When Emilia arrives Othello assuses Desdemona of adultery'.                          


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