Saturday 3 February 2018

Dryden's Essay: Of Dramatic Poesy: Short Video Lectures

Dryden's Essay: Of Dramatic Poesy: Short Video Lectures  


Here is my Response to the given blog task Click her




Q.......Short Video Lecture on Dryden as Father of English Criticism, Neo-Classical Critic and definition of Play:


Sanjay Mukherjee,.It is Dryden is called ' The father of English -Criticism? ' Dryden Neo-classical Critics and Dryden definition
"A just and lively image of human nature, representing its
Passions and humours and the changes of fortune to which
It is subject, for the delight and instruction of mankind "
Dryden is given two very interesting words "Just"and "Lively"human nature.
Just, you see just image can also be a very drab kind of an image, so onlookers, readers, viewers, be might not be very interested in it. 

Atistotle and Dryden definition 1)Aristotle's definition of tragedy ended with therapeutic word ' Catharsis ' 2)Dryden's definition ended with delight and instruction of mankind. 


Q..... Short Video Lecture on Dryden as Critic & Title of the Essay:   


  Dryden is a Neo-classical poet, consciously so, The age of Dryden comes after the Elizabeth age. The Elizabeth age was having its free flow of imagination and romances. 

It was by reaction that the next generation of poets writing satires, drama in verse, in the ancient poetry, because Aristotle uses poetry in the sense of literature. 

So Essay on Dramatic poesy, because Dryden himself wrote Drama and poetry loosely.
That's why Dramation poesy, Dramatic poesy meaning the poetical ' Art For Drama ', so he looks back to through Philip Sidney, "through Horace back to Atistotle and critical and history of critism and history of Dramatic texts "


Q.....SVL on Dryden's Definition of Play


 Dramatic poesy of John Dryden the Major concern is related to the definition of drama. Important points that Dramatic poesy and Drama and poesy both are very important said Dryden has presented in Essay in Dramatic poesy, I wish to highlight few words because these words have a very important significance.
But last two words very important "Delight "and "Pleasure ".Delight is very important, pleasure is not used. 

"Delight may be divinely "
"Pleasure may be sensual "

Delight one may have a feel of peace. While the pleasure is given different meaning there. So pleasure is higher by Dryden simultaneously is instructions. 

"A play ought to be a just and lively image of
Human nature, representing its passions and
Humour, and the changes of fortune to which
It is subject, for the delight and instruction of
Mankind "


Q..... SVL on the comparative criticism of the Ancients, the Moderns and the French Playwrights: 


The bate between crities and Eugenius's views on the superiority of the Ancients and the moderns in ' Or Dramatic poesy '
Critics, who argues in favor of the ancients, they established the unities, Dramatic rules were spelled out by Atistotle which the current....... And.French....... Playwrights follow and Ben Jonson the greatest English playwright, according to critics -followed the ancients example by adhering to the unities. 

Eugenics, who favors the moderns over the ancients argued that the moderns exceed the ancient because of having learnea and profited from their example. 

Neander, critical things to say of French drama"those beauties of the French poesy are such as will raise perfection higher where it is, but are not sufficient to give it where it is not, they are indeed the beauties of a statue, but not of a man "


Q......SVL on the debate regarding appropriateness of rhyme and blank verse:


The video is about a definition of play. The video is two characters crites and Dryden himself Neander. Now it's interesting because the Neo-classical way of writing. The heroic couplet style of writing And Dryden himself being in this tradition writing plays in verse. He said that pleasure is use for sensual way bt delight is use as divinity means when we use word delight it means ' peace of mind ' 


Q......SVL on the controversy regarding the Rhymes lines vs the Blank Verse:


                  The arguments between crites and Neander about the use of ' rhymed verse ' and ' blank verse ' in the play. "No man without premeditation speaking rhyme "In pandya sir said that, there is stress, meter, pitch, pun in language than its creat certain impression to language.

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