Sunday 4 February 2018

Northrop Frye: The Archetypes of Literature

Northrop Frye: The Archetypes of Literature 


Here is my Response to the given task Click Here



Q.....What is Archetypal Criticism? What does the archetypal critic do?


                        Archetypal literary criticism is a type of critical theory that interprets a text by focusing on recurring Myth and Archetypes ( from the Greek archetypes "beginning " and typos "imprint " ) in the narrative symbols , ages ,and character types in literary work. As a form of literary criticism, it dates back to 1934When Maud Bodkin Published Archetypal patterns in poetry .


Q.....What is Frye trying prove by giving an analogy of ' Physics to Nature' and 'Criticism to Literature'?


                              Northrop Frye compares " Physics Nature " and " criticism to literature " physics is a systematic stuly of nature , but a student of physics will say that he . She is learning physics not nature similarly , criticism is a systematic study of literature . We cannot learn literature but criticism of literature can be learnt .


Q....... Share your views of Criticism as an organised body of knowledge. Mention relation of literature with history and philosop.


                        Criticism as an organised corganization , of the subject , the student has to turn to the conceptual framework of the historian for Events and to that of the philosopher for Ided.It such a pattern exists , then criticism would be to art what . Philosophy is to wisdom and history to action .


Q..... Briefly explain inductive method with illustration of Shakespeare's Hamlet's Grave Digger's scene.


                             In general inductive method means going move further " Particular to general " and throughout the scene of shakespeare's Hamlet's grave digging scence we may say that .Hero is ready to die for the sake of love of beloved or love for the nation of this term of 'liebestod '
Ex : Hamlet is ready for dying the love of Ophelia


Q.......Briefly explain deductive method with reference to an analogy to Music, Painting, rhythm and pattern. Give examples of the outcome of deductive method.


                           Some arts move in time , like music , others are presented in space , like painting . In both cases the organizing principle is recurrence , which is called rhythm when it is temporal and pattern when it is spatial . Thus we speak of the rhythm of music and the pattern of painting ......

Ex: This is an example of a syllogism , a form of deductive reasoning .
Deductive reasoning is a type of logic where general statements , or premises , are used to form a specific conclusion.


Q...... Refer to the Indian seasonal grid (below). If you can, please read small Gujarati or Hindi or English poem from the archetypal approach and apply Indian seasonal grid in the interpretation.

. The Rainy Day
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
( Portland , Maine 1842)
The day is cold, and dark, and dreary
It rains and the wind is never weary
The vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
But at every gust more dead leaves fall,
And the day is dark and dreary.

My life is cold and dark and dreary
It rains and the wind is never weary
My thoughts still cling to the mouldering past
And youth's found hopes fall thick in the blast
And my life is dark and dreary.

Be still sad heart and cease repining
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining
Thy fate is the common fate of all
Into each life some rain must fall
Some days must be dark and dreary.
This poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. In this poem describes monsoon season . In this poem we have cold,dark , dreary,and wind ets......


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