Thursday 8 February 2018

Ghashiram Kotwal Play by Vijay Tendulkar

             "Ghashiram Kotwal"
                                  by Vijay Tendulkar

                              Ghashiram Kotwal is a Marathi play written by playwright Vijay Tendulkar in 1972, as his response to the rise of a local political party, Shiv Sena, in Maharashta. The play is a political satire, written as historical drama. Based on the life of Nana.

                              Ghashiram Kotwal differs from ordinary Indian drama in many one of them is , it is a musical play , that means it is preformed with the help of music. In this sense, this play follows both great ancient tradition as wall as Indian tradition of drama performance laid down by Bharatmuni. In Greek tradition , the chorus plays a key role it sing various songs according to the requirement of the scene,situation from the being to end chorus has its own role. The members of the chorus play different minor roles. They sing play musical instrument and it required dance.

                            On the other hand " Ghashiram Kotwal " follows Indian tradition. In the beginning of the play there is prayer to trod Ganges who is considered as the god of good men auspicious. The prayer to goddess Sarawak , the goddess of knowledge and wisdom, and to Lakshmi the goddess of wealth. These gods appears on the stage with the background music of hymn. There is also very significant role of the slurried. ( narration) 

                           Many of the scene of this play have the setting of Bhavankhani a place, of prostitutes. They present religious songs and dance in the beginning but son the atmosphere change with singing of " lavani by Galibi " some dance are erotic and in audience. We find Poona Brahmin's. The atmosphere found on the stage with the help of singing and dancing is extremely musical. One of the central characters " Nana Phadnavis " has been portrayed here, full of last who spends a lot of time. In Bhavankhani to enjoy the dance and even he himself dances sometimes, for all such scene , the music in inevitable in the 1st act we find more use of dance and music. The chorus begins the play with sate words the..............

" Ganapati dance , the Galatians dance
 Brahmans of Poona bow and prance 
pious Brahmans"

                       The audience is kept en ganged by various songs as well as playing musical instrument like " Meridian , Drum trumpets......

" Keep on dancing Holy Galatians
Keep on Dancing Not let the drum bale ?
Not let the drum heal? "

some seen are narrated in the form of song with the help of music.

                          To, sun up a few word more Ghashiram Kotwal is indeed a musical play as it presents a performance on the stage with the her of chorus, Maharashtra and playing of many musical instruments. Tenderloin has succeeded to provide musical, assistant to the perform acne of the play many times the kitten singing converts into singing Lavina that indicates the play has a lot of support of music and the role of support of music in the play.

1 comment:

  1. Here is my ..... "Ghashiram Kotwal" is a Marathi play written by playwright Vijay Tendulkar in 1972, as his response to the rise of a local political party, Shiv Sena, in Maharashta. The play is a political satire, written as historical drama. Based on the life of Nana.


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