Saturday 24 February 2018

The Imagination by I.A.Richard’s

The Imagination by I.A.Richard’s

There are six different and distinct sences of the work Imagination and we need to took al each of them seperarly.

  1. Production of vivid images and that to visual.
  2. Use of figurative language and the wholeness of experiences along with it’s variety.
  3. In a nerriwe sense it is the sympathetic reproduction other peoples of the state of mind particularly there I motional skilled
  4. Inventiveness, that means bringing together elements which are not ordinarily connected.
  5. Ordering of experience in a relavent manner value consideration is employed which is for a definail end or purp.
  6. The most important word is the synthetic and the methical power to which the name imagination is glven

It is all about the reveling of balance or reconciliation of opposite or discordant qualities.

It has a sanse of novelty and a science of freshness with……

  1. Old and familiar objects
  2. More then usual state of I motion
  3. More then usual order
  4. It has power to delight

It has the power to modify a series of thoughts by predominant thought or feeling.

Talking into consideration Coleridge he considered poetic as essential amongest all other valuable charactratic poet is a poet because of….

  1. The availability of experience
  2. Width of the field of simulation
  3. Complitness of unic response

A poet unlike any ordinary person looks at the things with the different perpactive, oridnardan may get cinfind init. Poet has the superior power to order the experienced , were as a common man is heaving an impulsis is I terface. Superstitious are carried out in a perticular order and as a result the though process is different.

All the impusis modify beautifully to the poet for example “ Alndremnped the happiness” some cteal an experience from the experience. The selection of the topic by the poet should be out of the box. Something exstrumly different from what we habitually do , everything that a poet sees has different perspective to it.

A poet is not nearly looking at the beauty its all about organizing than into a lightened experience. According to coldrige the science of musical delight is a give of imagination…
  1. Tragedy
  2. Imagination
There are two I motions priemarity pity and terror combination of both pity and terror leads us to catharsis through which are recognize tragedy.

Catharsis is important for the awaking of scenes although sapration is an important factor in catharsis it is require for the tragic experience . The mind does not any always from anything it is supposed to be extremely uncomforthing and self reliance.

It is all about weather tragedy can sustain the power of tragic , the acence of tragedy is that it forces as to live. Terror is substituted by horror or regrate or shame with pity it would not the kind of effect. Tragedy is perhaps the most general all expecting all ordering experience. The balance of tregedy is not in the structure but in the response.

Aesthetic stage of option are very importantin imagination especially in poetry sometimes the surcumstances and personal interest may be ordinary but developed is extraordinary organizing in impulses is also equally important.

A very great dall of poetry and art is content with organized development of comparative special and limited experiences with definite I motions. Emotions are sorrow, joy, pride, love admiration and hope. There were three different moods…

  1. Melancholy
  2. Optimism
  3. Longing

Structurally in turns of experience “ Break Break “ and “ Ode to the Nightigle “ both this poetry are different not because of subject but the difference is of the relation of several impulses.


  1. Hiii. Did you teach students in shamaldas college before?
    Because maybe i heard your name. 🤔


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