Monday 26 February 2018

Indian English Drama

                  Indian English Drama

Drama is not a new from of literature in Indian writing in English. The writers have also introduce this from by following the western from of Drama some of the writes have taken English drama for there own drama with some modification . The purpose for writing drama was similar to theme to entertain audience and the readers.

%.....Drama as an Emerging From

Modern Indian dramatic writing in English is neither rich quality nor of high quality.There are the dramatist who Produced there creation like Muhammadan Dutt's " Is this called individuation ?" in 1871 Rabindranath Tagore's play's " Chitra, The post office , Sacrifice, red Olenders, Chandelier, muktadhara, Natir Puja"etc...are now available in English now sri Aurobindo's plays " Rodogune, Vasavdutta, The viziers of Bassori , Eric " were return in English as original dramatic creation.

%..... Aurobindo's Play's in Detail

" Persecs, Rodogune, and Eric," set was organised in syria and norwat where as " Vasavadutta, Viziers' in to ancient Indian and " Persia" respectively all five play's deal with poetry and romance in the way of dramatic technical. The very incident play write " Basa, Kalidas, Bhavbhuti" all have Aurobidian under tones.


It was published in 1958 and belongs to Aurobindo's terry Baroda period. This play is located Syria ( it is poet's imaginative location)

Rodogune is captive attendant of Cleopatra queen of Syria. At the death of her second husband Cleopatra's two sons. Antioch's and  Timorous, by her first husband retain to serial from Egypt. They were brought up by their uncle Ptolemy, Cleopatra's mother love is selfish and possessive. As time passes she rejected Antioch's. Who wants to take revolt against his mother and therefore joins Rodogune. Then they fell in love each other. Timocles was also having feeling for her but his crafty chanaller rhayllus with his sister clone's destroyed the brothers because of Timoclus's is affection of Rodogune also follows her lover to his grave and so timescales realist that he has played murders Cain and Vain.

The plotting of the play is good the rivalry between the brothers is brought out very well Antioch is a hero who swayed trapped by destine and is broken at last.

%..... vasavadatta

This play like Rodogune is strong publication it is appeared in 1957. The strong of this play is full of Rodogune. The story is tractable in its main out the dramatic version by ' Bhasa" in his " Svappna Vasavadatta ' but the her sir Aurobindo has given the story a dremetic intensity psychological subtlety. Thus his play is a wonderful mixture of romance and drama.

The hero of play is Udyan. The young king of cowslip. In this play he is actually a passive figure . He is a political rival of Masseuse king as anthill and masseuse kidnapped Udayan and Vasavadatta imprisoned him. His daughters vasavadatta became the gailor but the juiloer becomes herself a prisoners.

%.... Perseus 

This play is also in located in Syria. In this story the center character is not the haro but the heroic Andromeda. The traditional and roamed is a passive figure and Perseus is the misacleworked who saver her form the see monster.

In sri Aurobindo’s Perseus the heroine is very actively she fights evil, her decisive action brings her into conflict with polygonal. The priest of Poseidon but Andromedr’s courage brings Perseus to her side. They both kre united take revenge and there life become fully of adventure of evolution. There is a clash between the old ethic and the new between into that where the new ethic must prevail.

%..... The Viziers of Bassora

The play is pure romance. The slave girl aniceat Janice, and Nareddene the Vizier affazal son. They full in love, and despite the macho-nations of the bad Vizjer Almuene, manage to find favour in the eye’s of Haroun. Al-Rashid the graut and king of Baghdad. This play presents rivairy between the two Viziers . That is why there is a love problem of any a nice and Nureddens. Haroun play Providence and lingerings happiness to the lovers and thwart almuence.

The play is delight to read and the imagery is rich.

%....... Eric

Eric is a similar kind of play to “ Perseus” Eric is the elected king of Norway who is a man of Seating aslaug the sister of Eric’s enemy, swegn, and his wife” Herdha”

They two come to Eric curtdressed as dancing girls. Their aim is to destroy Eric . But Eric full’s in love with asluag and she too is drama towards him. This play present that love wins over hate.

%...... Nal-Damayanti

All five plate underline the need for love because love is the only isolation of all kind of evils love as it supreme trath goodness and power it can defcate death and win the world some of the writes followed the Elizabethan tradition of writing.

Nal-Damayanti by Vasudeva Rao. This is divided into 5 acts and 27 scenes Damayamti and NAL meet in a garden and thay are just a “ Julial and Romlo” The story goes in a way that the eight good are her suitor, but Damyanti can recognized NAL and they get married Vasudeva Rao seems also have published a lot of narrative poetry in blank varse chetan from the origin.” The Mahabharata”

O..... P.A.Krishnaswamy

Another unused verse play is " The fiute of krishna" by P.A.Krishnaswamy (1950). The story is that girl named vidyaratha has a vague thirst for Krishna flute which is really consider to beIndian backtalk's perennial food . She meets the boy mural who is atterescted to has and that marry on the wedding night nidyaratna sees only Krishna's shadow behind husband and she gets very happy and mural feels that she is God's bride.

Later after singing a sensuous song of love he feels helplessness because he can not have the company of vidyaratna. They both die because they clutch the contagion and lie of the fever after wards the flute of lord for she becomes the flute of lord Krishna and marali becomes the stick with which the lord control his cattle.

There are many other important ariter Vasudeva Rao or Krishnaswamy, harlandranath, chattopadyay and bharati Sarabhai, Harindranath has writien many plays of and some of the revolutionaries, two his is best selling workess " The Parrot, is Dedicated to call those whose morality is not a parrot's " cage and concerns only there characters; Man, woman and Tramps.

The drunken man drowns the woman's son thinking it is their son so he would not have his son suffered in this world as he has suffered. Now the woman says that " he was not his son but he is the tramp's son " chattopadhaya probes into the consciousness of a bourgeols poet. A merchant and a worker all three a waiting the dawn when they are to be hanged the story is presented in this " The sentry's tatern".

The last play " The Evening Play" is dediculed to those who may be able to light it towards the new " dawn of Realism"

Harisndranath's plays on the live of the saints are less dramatically effective than his plays of social protest Numerous are the God intoxicated enchiladas whose lives move the hearts of millions in India. In a play like pundit there is a conversion among the sisters Ganga, yamuna and saaswati sake bai, mire bait, jayaleva, Choke mule, Eknath, Tlukaram, Raidas, Kannada, all prefers to rely on the " grass of glance" They also presents the live of the saints and the conflict between human " Power" and divine grace.

His Siddhartha: Man of peace (1956) is a good because his play presents crisis in civilization. They the main events in " Buddha's" life are presented dramctical in prose sconce. The chorus speak from time to time. The main story of prince Siddhartha's deals with age, sickness and death which is followed by his Renunciation and the search for enlistment, prince Siddhartha leaves his wife and son and he becomes Gautama Buddha. There is a truckling scene when he returns to his native city of kapilvastu and meets his wife shareholder and son Bahlu. The language to fulfill the play properly fails again and the other characters Shikoku's concluding the speech.

There is mother Indian writers name T. P.kaliasam's , all is inspired by Purana themes but he presents brilliantly in his play. His play.... " The Burden, fulfillment" were published in 1933, and they are short consider to be very poignant pieces.

The Burden deals with the theme with bhase dramatized in his statue play. In the story Bhardta returning from his grandfather place to ayatollah and comes to know the terrible truth Darth, his father is derd Kaliasam has shown in the play that he can make prose a fit viehiclefor the expression of tragic emotion, fulfillment is a longer play which deals with the story of Ekalavya. Dona's unique pupil in archery lorry Krishna. Eklavya is about to join the Kauravas on the eye of the karukshetra was Krishna their to prevent him not to join the Bravuras. They both debuts about man's duty about good and evil about courage and cowardice about first and last thing's and as the conclusion Krishna is forced to Eklavya to commie one more marred he kills his mother.

 " The Purpose" (1944) is chronologically a later ply which unfolds Eklavya's youthful idealism in archery. He goes in the forest and learns archery through his illuminate apprenticeship  to Drona,but he caught between the  antecedent " Purpose" andthe consequent loyalty to the Gary, what Drona beings here. Krishna completes in Eulfillnemt.    

Kailasam's another play " karna" . The Brahmin's curse was published in 1946 were the denting play very vital role in the life of character. It is written in a mixture of prose and verse. The story is taken from the Mahabharata. The curse on e namelessly that at the mention of his supposed lousy origin he would beparlayed for the nonce, unable to string the arrow to his law is no doubt the spinal column of the play's Nothing, Kaliasam has provide sonnet prefixed andhour to of his hero. 

G.V.Desani's 'Hali' is a different kind of play it was published in 1950 and received the praise for it's originality and the symbolism . The play is having richness , and imagery. A short poetic play Hali is an attempt to present the story of " Passion" . In other words Hali's confrontation has the power of creation and distraction. The characters in the passion plays are Aisha the lord rah, the mother mire, the foster mother and friend Maya, that have been away root, the magician and the narrator of course symbolic which takes is mere symbolic which takes place in the theatre of Hali's soul; he loves his mother Mira he tended by Maya and he loss her. Ten days later Hali's Passion being
. All the issuse of life and death love and hate, reality and illusion. He is tempted and terse he is pampered and punished. In his predicament neither Ia ha nor Mira can halo him. The magician try to invoke the past but he can not annual it Hali's character is affected by beauty and holiness and peace of love but raga"taunts' and threatens. The story moves farther full of lust and violence where and the love becomes all one and this kind of woman it is difficult and possible to find such-love and one has to die to get this love root is death and Hali is death but the love is not dead and death. The main purpose of the story is the tragic parishioner of India it is dedicated to the mother India.

A as if currycomb has published four volumes of play during the last like " The tourist mace, The Clock, Om, Thorns on a canvas, The Restaurant, The captives, God etc......" That no doubt as if is the outstanding and play writer. his striations are inter stings. His dialogues are arresting, and he has a sense of atmosphere; and his plays are act able . His best and special play is consider to be " The Doldrummers" The story of the play is of young man and woman in the Doldrums are court in sad and funny situation at Zuha Beach rita and lize , Joe and Tony are the four the doldrummers.... This play is also about love and sex, poetry and futility and pathos as which also suggest that anything strange and sinister can be happen in this world. Joe goes away rita is left with his child in her womb and his ring as a scalding memory.

The Dumb Dancer is powerful study of Kathkali, dancer to identity himself with the character of Brahma, premise the mental asylum super in ten-dent who begins to take in him . In this dancer the play is indeed an eerie study of abnormal psychology.

Om is anther kind of play which is also culled psychological one it gives the historic attitudes in India and of the quest of the "self" young man are the there prototypical figures to imtrtchange their roles. In the three play transmigration and rebirth are implied to continued the quest the play also discovers the fact that self deception is stronger than the pursuit of the self as a ultimate truth.

'The tourist mecca' makes captical out of the back ground of the ray' The clock' has almost a touch of Ionesco . The captives with it's background of the chines invasion and the tension in the mind of a Muslim who he is caught between two worlds.

La khan Deb's ' Tiger Claw" is a three act play in verse the story is about controversial killing of afzalkhan by shiv-ail. The Shiva Afzalkhan theme has elements of pure drama where la-khan Deb has portrayed Shiva as heroic figure.

Short play and one act plays appear in journals and magazines. It is very seldom that play appear in book form . A pew seem to have had a chance on the stage..... Ex; " Uma-Manchester, Buddha's and Silas in her sorrows" V. Saranathan's Indra, Salvatore's saviitri etc...

The full length plays are K.S.Ramuswami safaris " Droplpadi" D.M.Borgaonkar's " Image Breakers "

other recent successful plays are pratap sharia's " A touch of Brightness " , " Nissim Ezekiel" poem and the sleepwalkers and erusacharan Dan's lapins sahib farce and historical play.

%....... Conclusion

While summing up one can say that drama too is now between a fruitfully cultivated field in Undo-Anglican literature various writer has imitated the ancient story into there play with some of there modification drama has added feather on hate of Indian writing in English literature.

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