Tuesday 6 February 2018

Post-truth: The Word of the Year 2016

      Post-truth: The Word of the Year 2016 


Here is my Response to the given task Click Here

On Defining Post-Truth


  Defining Post-Truth

"Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief" 
                                     Post-Truth this term is very much relevant to politics. Two words Sense and Sensibility.According to observation by Kathleen Higgins Post-truth refers to blatant lies being routine across society, and it means that politicians can lie without condemnation. This is different from the cliché that all politicians lie and make promises they have no intention of keeping — this still expects honesty to be the default position. In a post-truth world, this expectation no longer holds

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